Coming Spring 2021!

The Longhorn 500 and the Stampede 200 features the best of the famed Texas Hill Country. It’s spring time in the Hill Country and the flowers – Blue Bonnets and Indian Paint Brush - will be blooming. Temps are generally 50-80 F. Mornings can be foggy with clearing by afternoon. The event starts/finishes in Fredericksburg, Texas. Both the 200 and 500-mile courses are moderately difficult - ideally suited to advanced beginning to intermediate level ultra-racers. There are thousands of miles of paved winding ranch roads with little or no traffic. You’ll experience some of the best cycling in the USA.
Longhorn 500 racers may opt to race unsupported. Select the Solo Randonneur category when registering.
The Longhorn 500
The Longhorn 500 starts and finishes at the Hermann Sons Lodge, 1109 South Adams Street, Fredericksburg, Texas. This year we have taken an entirely different approach to course design. The course features four loops of decreasing distance arranged in a roughly cloverleaf pattern. Each loop starts and finishes at Hermann Sons Lodge. Each loop is different – each loop highlights a different aspect of the Texas Hill Country. Once out of Fredericksburg, riders will never have to ride on the same road twice. The total distance is 501.4 miles with 26,236 ft. of elevation gain. (Course subject to change.)
Loop 1 - Camp Wood Loop (235.4 miles/12,703 ft. elevation gain): This loop – the western loop – is characterized by steep climbs and river crossings. Leaving Fredericksburg the route heads south dropping off the Edwards Plateau, crosses Interstate I-10 and the Guadalupe River before turning west. The west-bound portion follows along the southern margin of the Edwards Plateau where several rivers dissect the Plateau margin. There are four major climbs (2 - 800 ft, 1 – 600 ft and 1 – 500 ft) as the route drops into and climbs out of the Medina, Sabinal, Frio and Nueces River valleys. The north-bound portion follows the Nueces River as it climbs 1,000 ft back up onto the Plateau. The route then drops back off the Plateau, crosses the Guadalupe. Leaving Kerrville heading north, the route climbs back up 500 ft onto the Plateau and into Fredericksburg. There is approximately 54 ft/mile of elevation gain, generally concentrated in the major climbs.
Loop 2 - Spicewood Loop (131.6 miles/6,931 ft. elevation gain): This loop – the eastern loop - is characterized by numerous water crossings, all up on the Edwards Plateau. Riders leave Fredericksburg heading north and east across the Edwards Plateau toward the Colorado River. The route traverses a ridge that roughly parallels SH 71 to the north. Not many roads cross this ridge. The route includes a short unpaved section of road. The route never drops down to the Colorado, but stays on the Edwards Plateau heading east toward Spicewood. Here it heads south and west back toward Fredericksburg. There is approximately 53 ft/mile of elevation gain.
Loop 3 – Center Point Loop (86.9 miles/4,092 ft. elevation gain): This loop – the southern loop – is characterized by smaller farms and ranches in the northern portion, up on the Edwards Plateau, and larger, greener, more productive farms and ranches in the southern portion, down along the Guadalupe River drainage. Riders head south passing by Old Tunnel State Park, dropping off the Edwards Plateau, into the Guadalupe River drainage and following it west to Kerrville. There is approximately 47 ft/mile of elevation gain.
Loop 4 - Crabapple Loop (47.5 miles/2,510 ft. elevation gain): This loop – the northern loop - is characterized by smaller farms and ranches, with many cattle guards and water crossings. There are no gas stations/c-stores on this loop. This is the Hill Country at its best. There is approximately 53 ft/mile of elevation gain.
The Stampede 200
The Stampede 200 starts and finishes at the Hermann Sons Lodge, 1109 South Adams Street, Fredericksburg, Texas. Like the Longhorn 500, we have taken a different approach to course design. The course features two loops, with both loops starting and finishing at Hermann Sons Lodge. Each loop will include one aid station at approximately the 50 mile point, in addition to an aid station at the Hermann Sons Lodge. The total distance is 203 miles with an elevation gain of 11,100 ft.

Loop 1 - Crabapple-Doss-Harper Loop (101.9 miles/5,778 ft. elevation gain): This is a scenic ride across rolling Hill Country farm and ranch land with many short climbs (100 to 400 ft) – no major climbs. The route heads north out of Fredericksburg to Crabapple. At approximately mile 18, the route becomes an irregular counterclockwise 66-mile loop. At mile 41, riders will enter the quaint, immaculate town of Doss – the only town of any significance on the entire route. Here you will find the only commercially available services on the route – The Doss General Store & Café. The first 45 miles averages about 1,800 ft elevation. From 45 miles to 80 miles the route averages 2,100 ft elevation. At approximately mile 84 – in Crabapple – the route takes riders back to Fredericksburg on the same road used in the beginning. This route best portrays the real Texas Hill Country. No major highways, very little traffic. There will be an aid located at approximately 50 miles.
Loop 2- Comfort Loop (101.1 miles/5,322 ft. elevation gain): This loop – the western loop - is characterized by farms and ranches. The first third is up on the Edwards Plateau but within the Pedernales River drainage. The second third is off the Plateau in the Guadalupe River drainage. There are many more, greener, and more productive farms and ranches. The final third is back up on the Plateau and again mostly in the Pedernales drainage. There are no major climbs and overall the elevation gain is moderate, approximately 53 ft/mile. There will be an aid station located at approximately 51 miles.
New for 2025 – the Stampede 200 Club Cup
Come out and race with your fellow club or team members to claim the Stampede 200 Club Cup. Members of the same bike club or team compete together to complete the Stampede 200 in the fastest cumulative time. Each club/team must have a minimum of three members competing. Each club/team member races in the solo category. Team members do not need to be in the same age group or gender category, but do need to ride the same bike type. The winner of the Stampede 200 Club Cup will be determined by the lowest cumulative time of the top three finishers of a given club/team. Click here for full Club Cup Rules.

Friday, March 28th, 2025
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM - Check-in/Packet Pick-up (Start/Finish Line)
- Optional drop bag drop-off for 200 mile racers
5:00 PM - Mandatory Racer Meeting
Saturday, March 29th, 2025
5:00 AM - 500-mile racers start
6:00 AM - 200-mile racers start
11:00 PM - 200-mile course closes
*Drop bags available for pick-up at Finish Line
Sunday, March 30th, 2025
5:00 PM - 500-mile course closes for 2-person and 4-person teams
Monday, March 31st, 2025
5:00 AM - 500-mile course closes for solo racers
What’s Included:
200-mile Racers – Live racer tracking through TrackLeaders, live results (time splits) through RaceResult.com, detailed route information (printed cue sheets and GPS files are available), bib numbers, and a pint glass. All Official Finishers will receive a custom medal.
500-mile Racers - Live racer tracking through TrackLeaders, live results (time splits) through RaceResult.com, detailed route information (printed cue sheets and GPS files are available), race signage for your vehicle (includes race numbers and Caution Bicycles Ahead decal -1 set for solo racers and 2 sets for team racers), and a pint glass. All Official Finishers will receive a custom medal and finisher's jersey.
What you will need to race:
200-mile Racers – Racers will ride self-supported. No support crews will be allowed on course. Racers must have functional front and rear lights attached to the bike (+ spare batteries). And, it is highly recommend some reflective clothing and/or reflective tape on your bicycle.
500-mile Racers – Racers may choose to race with or without a support crew/vehicle. Racers must have functional front and rear lights attached to the bike (+ spare batteries), reflective tape on the bicycle (wheels, cranks, forks and seat stays). Crew must have reflective vests and/or ankle/wrist bands. Support vehicles must have amber flashing roof lights and a reflective DOT slow moving vehicle triangle, operable four-way flashers and turn signals on the vehicles and proper insurance.
*Note: we have amber lights and triangles for rent through the registration process and will have some at check-in. If they are not reserved in advance through the registration process, it will be first come, first served. Additional vehicle signage may be purchased through the registration process as well.
**Note: All Longhorn 500 racers/crew must attend the Mandatory Crew meeting Friday evening at 5pm. Stampede 200 racers are also encouraged to attend if available.